
          • 姓名: 毛啟貴
          • 性別: 男
          • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
          • 職務(wù): 
          • 學(xué)歷: 研究生/博士
          • 電話(huà): 13811928863
          • 傳真: 
          • 電子郵件: qg-mao@ms.xjb.ac.cn
          • 所屬部門(mén): 
          • 通訊地址: 烏魯木齊市北京南路818號

            簡(jiǎn)  歷:

          • 毛啟貴,男,理學(xué)博士,出生于1980年,四川瀘州人。







            社會(huì )任職:



          • 構造地質(zhì)、大地構造、礦床學(xué)


          • (1)  國家深地資源勘查開(kāi)發(fā)專(zhuān)項,《卡拉塔格礦集區VMS型成礦系統三維地質(zhì)結構與礦體定位》,2017/07-2021/06497萬(wàn)元, 主持

            (2) 十二五國家科技支撐項目,《吐哈盆地南緣火山巖-次火山巖型通多金屬礦成礦地質(zhì)條件及成礦預測研究》,2011/01-2015/12310萬(wàn)元,主持


            (4) 中國地質(zhì)調查局《大興安嶺中南段有色金屬基地綜合地質(zhì)調查》,2019/01-2020/121468萬(wàn)元,主持

            (5) 國家重點(diǎn)基礎研究發(fā)展規劃973項目課題《古弧盆體系成礦規律與大型礦床成礦規律預測》,2014/01-2018/12330萬(wàn)元,參加

            (6) 中國地質(zhì)調查局《新疆東天山中段有色金屬基地綜合地質(zhì)調查》,2016/01-2018/124492萬(wàn)元,主持

            (7) 中國地質(zhì)調查局《新疆哈密市黑草灘一帶銅鋅多金屬礦調查評價(jià)》,2011/11-2014/12980萬(wàn)元,主持

            (8) 中國地質(zhì)調查局《新疆哈密市紅海一帶銅鋅多金屬礦調查評價(jià)》,2010/01-2012/121700萬(wàn)元,主持


            (10)十一五國家科技支撐項目《東天山喀拉塔格-沙泉子成礦帶鐵、鉛鋅銀大型礦床預測及找礦靶區評價(jià)技術(shù)與應用研究》,2006/01-2010/12400  萬(wàn)元,參加


          • (1)      Mao, Q. G.*, Ao, S. J.*, Windley, B. F., Wang, J. B., Li, Y. C. & Xiao, W. J.* 2021. Middle Triassic lower crust-derived adakitic magmatism: thickening of the Dananhu intra-oceanic arc and its implications for arc-arc amalgamation in the Eastern Tianshan (NW China). geological journal, in pressing.

            (2)       Ao, S. J.*, Mao, Q. G.*, Windley, B. F., Song, D. F., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, J. E., Wan, B., Han, C. M. & Xiao, W. J.*  2021. The youngest matrix of 234 Ma of the Kanguer accretionary m lange containing blocks of N-MORB basalts: constraints on the northward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Kanguer Ocean in the Eastern Tianshan of the southern Altaids. International Journal of Earth Science, in pressing.

            (3)       Mao, Q.G., Wang, J.B., Xiao, W.J.*, Windley, B.F., Schulmann, K., Ao, S.J., Yu, M.J., Zhang, J.E., and Fang, T.H., 2020, From Ordovician nascent to early Permian mature arc in the southern Altaids: Insights from the Kalatage inlier in the Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Geosphere, v. 16, doi.org/10.1130/GES02232.1

            (4)       Mao, Q., Wang, J., Yu, M., Ao, S., & Li, Y.. 2020. Re-os and u-pb geochronology for the xiaorequanzi vms deposit in the eastern tianshan, nw china: constraints on the timing of mineralization and stratigraphy. Ore Geology Reviews, 122, 103473.

            (5)       Mao Qigui, Xiao Wenjiao, Windley Brian F., Yu Mingjie, Sun Min, Ao Songjian, Zhang Ji’en. 2020. Early Permian subduction-related transtension in the Turpan Basin, East Tianshan (NW China): implications for accretionary tectonics of the southern Altaids. Geological Magazine, 10.1017/S0016756819001006

            (6)       Mao Qigui, Wang Jingbin, Xiao Wenjiao, Windley Brian F., Schulmann Karel, Yu Mingjie, Fang Tonghui, Li, Yuechen, 2019. Mineralization of an intra-oceanic arc in an accretionary orogen: Insights from the Early Silurian Honghai volcanogenic massive sulfide Cu-Zn deposit and associated adakites of the Eastern Tianshan (NW China). Geological Society of America Bulletin, 131: 803-830

            (7)       Mao Qigui, Yu, Mingjie, Xiao Wenjiao, Windley Brian F., Wei Xiaofen, Zhu Jiangjian, and  Lu? Xiaoqiang. 2018. Skarn-mineralized prophyry adakites in the Harlik-Dananhu arc at Kalatage of the Eastern Tianshan (NW China): frequent slab melting in the Devonian-Early Carboniferous in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 53: 365~378.

            (8)       Mao Qigui, Xiao Wenjiao, Fang Tonghui, Windley Brian F., Sun Min, AoSongjian, Zhang Ji'en, Huang Xingkai. 2014. Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Early Permian alkaline magmatism in theEasternTianshan: implications for tectonics of the Southern Altaids. Lithos, 190-191: 37–51

            (9)       Mao Qigui, Xiao Wenjiao, Fang Tonghui, Wang Jingbin, Han Chunming, SunMin,Yuan Chao. 2012. Late Ordovician to early Devonian adakites and Nb-enriched basalts in the Liuyuan area, Beishan, NW China: Implications for early Paleozoic slab-melting and crustal growth in the southern Altaids. Gondwana Research, 22: 534-553

            (10)    Mao Qigui, Xiao Wenjiao, WindleyBrian F.,HanChunming, QuJunfeng, AoSongjian, Zhang Jien, GuoQianqian. 2012. The Liuyuan complex in the Beishan, NW China: a Carboniferous–Permian ophiolitic fore-arc sliver in the southern Altaids. Geological Magazine, 149(3): 483-506

            (11)    Yu Mingjie, Wang Jingbin, Mao Qigui*, Sun Yan, Zhang Rui, Tian Jie, Guo Weidong, 2020. Geochemical characteristics of Late Carboniferous mineralization in the East Tianshan: A case study of the Meiling deposit in the Kalatage area, Ore Geology Reviews, 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103285

            (12)    Yu, Mingjie, Wang, Yuwang, Wang, Jingbin, Mao, Qigui*, Deng, Xiaohua, Sun, Yan, Zhang, Rui. 2019. The mineralization of the Kalatage arc, Eastern Tianshan, NW China: Insights from the geochronology of the Meiling Cu-Zn(-Au) deposit. Ore Geology Reviews, 107:72-86

            (13)    毛啟貴, 肖文交, 韓春明, 孫敏, 袁超, 閻臻, 李繼亮, 雍擁, 張繼恩. 2006. 新疆東天山白石泉銅鎳礦床基性-超基性巖體鋯石U-Pb 同位素年齡、地球化學(xué)特征及其對古亞洲洋閉合時(shí)限的制約. 巖石學(xué)報, 2006, 22(1): 153-162SCI檢索)

            (14)    毛啟貴肖文交,韓春明,孫敏,袁超,張繼恩,敖松堅,李繼亮. 2010. 北山柳園地區中志留世埃達克質(zhì)花崗巖類(lèi)及其地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報,25(2): 584-596SCI檢索)

            (15)   毛啟貴,方同輝,王京彬,王書(shū)來(lái),王寧. 2010. 東天山卡拉塔格早古生代紅海塊狀硫化物礦床精確定年及其地質(zhì)意義. 巖石學(xué)報,25(10): 3017-3026SCI檢索)

            (16)   毛啟貴,肖文交,韓春明,袁超,孫敏. 2008. 東準噶爾地區玩古生代向南增生:來(lái)自A型花崗巖的啟示. 巖石學(xué)報, 24(4): 733-742SCI檢索)





          • (1)       2019年,填圖科學(xué)家,中國地質(zhì)調查局

            (2)       2017年,國土資源部杰出青年科技人才,中國國土資源部

            (3)       2016年,第八屆黃汲清青年地質(zhì)科學(xué)技術(shù)獎野外地質(zhì)工作者獎,中國地質(zhì)學(xué)會(huì )

            (4)       2014年,第十四屆青年地質(zhì)科技獎銀錘獎,中國有色金屬工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )、中國有色金屬學(xué)會(huì )

            (5)       2016年,新疆358項目先進(jìn)個(gè)人榮譽(yù)稱(chēng)號,新疆維吾爾自治區人社廳、國土資源廳

            (6)       2014年,2012-2013年度國資委直屬機關(guān)青年五四獎?wù)聵s譽(yù)稱(chēng)號,中國國有資產(chǎn)管理委員會(huì )

            (7)       中國有色金屬工業(yè)科學(xué)技術(shù)獎一等,中國有色金屬工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )、中國有色金屬學(xué)會(huì ),2017R1

            (8)       2012年,中國有色金屬工業(yè)科學(xué)技術(shù)獎一等獎,中國有色金屬工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )、中國有色金屬學(xué)會(huì ),R3

            (9)       2010年,中國有色金屬工業(yè)科學(xué)技術(shù)獎一等獎,中國有色金屬工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )、中國有色金屬學(xué)會(huì ), R14

            (10)    2018年,中國有色金屬工業(yè)科學(xué)技術(shù)獎二等獎,中國有色金屬工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì ), R6

            (11)    2016年,中國有色金屬工業(yè)科學(xué)技術(shù)獎二等獎,中國有色金屬工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )、中國有色金屬學(xué)會(huì ), R7

            (12)    2016年,新疆358項目?jì)?yōu)秀成果二等獎,新疆維吾爾自治區人社廳、國土資源廳, R3

            (13)    2014年,中國有色金屬找礦成果獎二等獎,中國有色金屬工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )、中國有色金屬學(xué)會(huì ),R9