
          • 姓名: AKASH TARIQ
          • 性別: 男
          • 職稱(chēng): 副研究員
          • 職務(wù): 
          • 學(xué)歷: 博士
          • 電話(huà): 15276707319
          • 傳真: 
          • 電子郵件: akash@ms.xjb.ac.cn
          • 所屬部門(mén): 
          • 通訊地址: 烏魯木齊市北京南路818號

            簡(jiǎn)  歷:

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            社會(huì )任職:


          • [1] Plant Eco-Physiology

            [2] Plant Nutrition

            [3] Plant-Soil Interaction

            [4] Climate change & sustainable management?


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          • [1] Tariq A*, Sardans J, Zeng F, Graciano C, Hughes AC, Farre-Armengol G, Penuelas J. 2024. Impact of aridity rise and arid lands expansion on carbon-storing capacity, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem services. Global Change Biology, 30: e17292.

            [2] Tariq A, Graciano C, Sardans J, Zeng J, Hughes AC, Ahmed Z, Ullah A, Ali S, Gao Y, Penuelas J. 2024. Plant root mechanisms and their effects on carbon and nutrient accumulation in desert ecosystems under changes in land-use and climate. New Phytologist, 242: 916-934.?

            [3] Tariq A*, Ullah A, Graciano C, Zeng F, Gao Y, Sardans, J, Hughes AC, Zhang Z, Penuelas J. 2024. Combining different species in restoration is not always the right decision: monocultures can provide higher ecological functions than intercropping in a desert ecosystem. Journal of Environmental Management, 357: 120807.

            [4] Tariq A*, Ullah A, Sardans J, Zeng F, Graciano C, Li X, Wang W, Ahmed Z, Ali S, Zhihao Z, Yanju G, Penuelas J. 2022. Alhagi sparsifolia; an ideal phearotophyte for combating desertification and land degradation. Science of the Total Environment, 844: 157228.?

            [5] Tariq A*, Ullah I, Sardans J, Graciano C, Mussarat S, Ullah A, Zeng F, Wang W, Al-Bakre DA, Ahmed Z, Ali S, Zhihao Z, Yaseen A, Penuelas J. 2023. Strigolactones can be a potential tool to fight environmental stresses in arid lands. Environmental Research, 229: 115966.

            ?[6] Tariq A*, Graciano C, Sardans J, Ullah A, Zeng F, Ullah I, Ahmed Z, Ali S, Al-Bakre DA, Zhang Z, Bai Y, Wang W, Penuelas J. 2022. Decade-long unsustainable vegetation management practices increase macronutrient losses from the plant-soil system in the Taklamakan desert. Ecological Indicators, 145: 109653.

            [7] Tariq A, Pan K., Olatunji OA, Graciano C, Li Z, Ningning Li, Sun F, Song D, Wu X, Dakhil MA, Sun X, Zhang L, 2018. Impact of phosphorus application on drought resistant responses of Eucalyptus grandis seedlings. Physiologia Plantarum, 166: 894-908.?

            [8] Tariq A, Pan K., Olatunji OA, Graciano C, Li Z, Ningning Li, Sun F, Song D, Huang D, Gong S, Francis M,? Pandey B, Idrees M, Dakhil MA, 2019. Role of nitrogen supplementation in alleviating drought-associated growth and metabolic impairments in Phoebe zhennan seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 182: 586–596

            ?[9] Tariq A*, Graciano C, Pan K, Olatunji OA, Li Z, Sadia S, Zhihao Z, Khasan I, Ahmed Z, Ullah A, Zeng F. 2022. Phosphorus fertilization of Phoebe zhennan seedlings under drought reduces nitrogen assimilation. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 45: 2228-2238.

            ?[10] Tariq A*, Sardans J, Penuelas J, Zhang Z, Graciano C, Zeng F, Olatunji OA, Ullah A, Pan K. 2022. Intercropping of leguminous and non-leguminous desert plant species does not facilitate phosphorus mineralization and plant nutrition. Cells, 11: 998.?

            [11] Tariq A, Pan K, Olatunji OA, Graciano C, Li Z, Sun F, Sun X, Song D, Chen W, Zhang A, Wu X, Zhang L, Mingrui D, Xiong Q and Liu C. 2017. Phosphorous Application Improves Drought Tolerance of Phoebe zhennan. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 1561.?

            ?[12] Tariq A, Pan K., Olatunji OA, Graciano C, Li Z, Sun F, Song D, Chen W, Zhang A, Wu X, Zhang L, Tan X, Huang D. 2018. Phosphorous fertilization alleviates drought effects on Alnus cremastogyne by regulating its antioxidant and osmotic potential. Scientific Reports, 8: 5644

            ?[13] Gao Y, Tariq A*, Sardans J, Penuelas J, Zhihao Z, Islam W, Xu M. “Fertile islands” beneath three desert vegetation on soil phosphorus fractions, enzymatic activities, and microbial biomass in the desert-oasis transition zone. CATENA, 212: 5.

            [14] Zhang Z, Tariq A*, Zeng F, Graciano C, Zhang B. 2020. Nitrogen application mitigates drought-induced metabolic changes in Alhagi sparsifolia seedlings by regulating nutrient and biomass allocation patterns. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 155: 828-841.?

            [15]Gao Y, Tariq A*, Zeng F, Li X, Sardans J, Liu C, Penuelas J. 2023. Fine-root traits are devoted to the allocation of foliar phosphorus fractions of desert species under water and phosphorus-poor environments. Physiologia Plantarum. 175: e14105.

            [16] Zhihao Z, Tariq A*, Zeng F, Graciano C, Sun F, Chai X, Ahmed Z. Nitrogen and water addition regulate fungal community and microbial co-occurrence network complexity in the rhizosphere of Alhagi sparsifolia seedlings. Applied Soil Ecology, 164.

            [17] Ullah A, Tariq A*, Zeng F, Asghar MA, Sardans J, Penuelas J. 2024. Drought priming reduces Calligonum mongolicum sensitivity to recurrent droughts via coordinated regulation of osmolytes, antioxidants, and hormones. Plant Biology, doi.org/10.1111/plb.13619

            [18] Yanju G, Tariq A*, Zeng F, Graciano C, Zhang Z, Sardans J, Pe?uelas J. 2021. Allocation of foliar-P fractions of Alhagi sparsifolia and its relationship with soil-P fractions and soil properties in a hyperarid desert ecosystem. Geoderma, 407:115546.

            [19] Sardans J, Llusia J, Ogaya R, Vallicrosa H, Filella I, Gargallo-Garriga A, Peguero G, Langenhove LV, Verryckt LT, Stahl C, Courtois EA, Brechet LM, Tariq A, Zeng F, Alrefaei FA, Wang W, Janssens IA, Penuelas J. 2023. Foliar elementome and functional traits relationships identify tree species niche in French Guiana rainforests. Ecology, 104: e4118.?

            [20] Sun F, Song C, Wang M, Tariq A, Zhong Q, Wang F, Li Z, Zeng F. 2020. Long-term increase in rainfall decreases soil organic phosphorus decomposition in tropical forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 151: 108056.


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          • [1] Tianshan Award by the Government of Xinjiang Province, China (2021)

            [2] Formal Member of the Global Ecology Unit (GEU), CREAF, Spain (2022)?

            [3] Innovation Contribution Award by the XIEG, CAS (2021)?

            [4] Project awarded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2022)

            [5] President’s International Fellowship Initiative Award by the CAS (2019)?

            [6] CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship by the CAS (2015)?

            [7] Gold Medal Award by the Government of KPK province, Pakistan (2012)?