
          • 姓名: 艾里西爾·庫爾班
          • 性別: 男
          • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
          • 職務(wù): 
          • 學(xué)歷: 博士
          • 電話(huà): 0991-7885458
          • 傳真: 0991-7885320
          • 電子郵件: alishir@ms.xjb.ac.cn
          • 所屬部門(mén): 
          • 通訊地址: 烏魯木齊市北京南路818號

            簡(jiǎn)  歷:

          • 艾里西爾 庫爾班,男,理學(xué)博士,維吾爾族,出生于1966年,新疆烏魯木齊人?,F任中國科學(xué)院新疆生態(tài)與地理研究所研究員。20174推選為比利時(shí)皇家海外科學(xué)院通訊院士(corresponding member, Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, http://www.kaowarsom.be),在國際地圖學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )ICA, International Cartographic Association, https://icaci.org 地圖學(xué)與GIS應用于可持續發(fā)展委員會(huì ),荒漠化網(wǎng)絡(luò )國際組織(DNI, DesertNet International, https://www.desertnet-international.org,國際環(huán)境信息科學(xué)學(xué)會(huì )(ISEIS),亞洲地理學(xué)會(huì )中國地理學(xué)會(huì )等學(xué)術(shù)組織專(zhuān)家。主要從事遙感與地理信息系統在干旱區生態(tài)環(huán)境研究中的應用研究,研究區域包括中國西部干旱區、中亞和東非。主持和參加國家和省部級以及國際合作科研項目20多項,包括國家和自治區自然科學(xué)基金、國家973項目、中國科學(xué)院國際合作局對外合作重點(diǎn)項目以及美國NASA、德國DFG、BMBF、大眾基金會(huì )和歐盟Erasmus+等國際合作項目。第一作者出版中文專(zhuān)著(zhù)1,參與編寫(xiě)中英文專(zhuān)著(zhù)4部,并在國內外學(xué)術(shù)刊物和國際學(xué)術(shù)會(huì )議上發(fā)表論文60多篇。培養研究生30余名。獲得第三十三屆國際地理大會(huì )IGC2016)突出貢獻(個(gè)人)獎、省部級科技進(jìn)步二等獎3項、三等獎1項、省部級學(xué)會(huì )一等獎1項。










            20007月至20156月,在中國科學(xué)院新疆生態(tài)與地理研究所(創(chuàng )新)研究員,從事遙感與GIS應用研究工作




            社會(huì )任職:

          • 20174月至今,比利時(shí)皇家海外科學(xué)院,通訊院士。
            2016年至今,國際環(huán)境信息科學(xué)學(xué)會(huì )地理環(huán)境信息專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì )(ISEIS),秘書(shū)長(cháng)。
            2008年至今,國際制圖學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )(ICA)地圖學(xué)與GIS應用于可持續發(fā)展工作組,專(zhuān)家。
            2011年至今,荒漠化網(wǎng)絡(luò )國際(DesertNet International,DNI),專(zhuān)家。
            2000年至今,中國地理學(xué)會(huì )會(huì )員,會(huì )員。
            2018年至今,中國地理學(xué)會(huì )會(huì )員地理大數據專(zhuān)業(yè)委員會(huì ),專(zhuān)家。


          • 遙感與地理信息技術(shù)在干旱區環(huán)境演變中應用研究




          • 專(zhuān)著(zhù)

            1. 艾里西爾 庫爾班等, 塔里木河下游生態(tài)保護與實(shí)踐, 新疆科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社,烏魯木齊, 2019, 457頁(yè),68萬(wàn)字(Alishir KURBAN, XU Hailiang, Umut HALIK, Omarjan UBUL, Tashkin JAPPAR and YANG Pengnian, Theory and Practice of Ecosystem Restoration in the Lower Tarim River, Xinjiang Science and Technology Press, Urumqi, China, 2019, 457 pages,funded by  National Publication Foundation of China,in Chinese).

            2. Mutlu Ozdogan and Alishir Kurban (2012). Chapter 15: The Effects of Spatial Resolution on Vegetation Area Estimates in the Lower Tarim Basin, NW China. Dryland East Asia (DEA): Land Dynamics Amid Social and Climate Change. J. Chen, Wan, S., Henebry, G., Qi, J., Gutman, G., Sun, G., and Kappas, M., HEP-De Gruyter Publishers.



            1. Edovia Dufatanye Umwali, Alishir Kurban*, Alain Isabwe, Richard Mind’je, Hossein Azadi, Zengkun Guo, Madeleine Udahogora, Anathalie Nyirarwasa, Jeanine Umuhoza,  Vincent Nzabarinda, Aboubakar Gasirabo and Gulnur Sabirhazi (2021). Spatio-seasonal variation of water quality influenced by land use and land cover in lake Muhazi. Scientific Reports, 11(17376) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-96633-9

            2. Zengkun Guo, Alishir Kurban*, Abdimijit Ablekim , Shupu Wu, Tim Van de Voorde , Hossein Azadi , Philippe De Maeyer and Edovia Dufatanye Umwall (2021). “Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Coverage in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River Based on Sentinel-2A Data”. Remote Sensing. 13(1458). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13081458

            3. Xiuliang Yuan, Rafiq Hamdi, Friday Uchenna Ochege, Philippe De Maeyer, Alishir Kurban* and Xi Chen (2021). "Assessment of surface roughness and fractional vegetation coverage in the CoLM for modeling regional land surface temperature." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 303(15) : 108390.

            4. Sophie Barbaix,Alishir Kurban* Philippe De Maeyer, Xi Chen and Jean Bourgeois. (2020). “The use of historical sources in a multi?layered methodology for karez research in Turpan, China”. Water History 12:281–297

            5. Valentine Mukanyandwi, Alishir Kurban*, Egide Hakorimana, Lamek Nahayo, Gabriel Habiyaremye, Aboubakar Gasirabo and Theoneste Sindikubwabo (2019). "Seasonal assessment of drinking water sources in Rwanda using GIS, contamination degree (Cd), and metal index (MI)." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191(12).

            6. Guilin Liu, Gang Yin, Alishir Kurban*, Tayierjiang Aishan and Hailin You (2016). "Spatiotemporal dynamics of land cover and their impacts on potential dust source regions in the Tarim Basin, NW China." Environmental Earth Sciences 75(23).

            7. Guilin Liu, Alishir Kurban*, Huanming Duan, Umut Halik, Abdimijit Ablekim and Luocheng Zhang (2014). "Desert riparian forest colonization in the lower reaches of Tarim River based on remote sensing analysis." Environmental Earth Sciences 71(10): 4579-4589.

            8. Maryamgul Abdurahman, Alishir Kurban*, Umut Halik, Abdimijit Ablekim and Hanming Duan (2013). "Study on Phenological Characters of Populus euphratica Oliv. and its Relation with the Tree Diameter." Vegetos 26(2): 88-92.

            9. 高慶,艾里西爾 庫爾班*,肖昊.塔里木河下游區域植被時(shí)空變化[J].自然資源學(xué)報,2019,34(03):624-632.

            10. 高慶,艾里西爾 庫爾班*,肖昊.巴音布魯克地區植物物候時(shí)空動(dòng)態(tài)變化及其驅動(dòng)分析[J].干旱區研究,2018,35(06):1418-1426.


            Web of Science 搜索到論文清單(檢索日期2021910日)

            1. Edovia Dufatanye Umwali, Alishir Kurban*, Alain Isabwe, Richard Mind’je, Hossein Azadi, Zengkun Guo, Madeleine Udahogora, Anathalie Nyirarwasa, Jeanine Umuhoza,  Vincent Nzabarinda, Aboubakar Gasirabo and Gulnur Sabirhazi (2021). Spatio-seasonal variation of water quality influenced by land use and land cover in lake Muhazi. Scientific Reports, 11(17376) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-96633-9

            2. Hossein Azadi*, Saghi Movahhed Moghaddam, Stefan Burkart, Hossein Mahmoudi, Steven Van Passel, Alishir Kurban, David Lopez-Carr (2021). Rethinking resilient agriculture: From climate smart agriculture to vulnerable-smart agriculture. Journal of Cleaner Production, 319, 128602. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128602

            3. Zengkun Guo, Alishir Kurban *, Abdimijit Ablekim , Shupu Wu, Tim Van de Voorde , Hossein Azadi , Philippe De Maeyer and Edovia Dufatanye Umwall (2021). “Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Coverage in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River Based on Sentinel-2A Data”. Remote Sensing. 13(1458). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13081458

            4. Xiuliang Yuan, Rafiq Hamdi, Friday Uchenna Ochege, Philippe De Maeyer, Alishir Kurban* and Xi Chen (2021). "Assessment of surface roughness and fractinal vegetation coverage in the CoLM for modeling regional land surface temperature." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 303(15) : 108390.

            5. Xiuliang Yuan, Rafiq Hamdi, Friday Uchenna Ochege, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2021). "The sensitivity of global surface air temperature to vegetation greenness." International Journal of Climatology 41(1): 483-496.

            6. Min Wang, Xi Chen, Ayetiguli Sidike, Liangzhong Cao, Philippe DeMaeyer and Alishir Kurban (2021). "Optimal Allocation of Surface Water Resources at the Provincial Level in the Uzbekistan Region of the Amudarya River Basin." Water 13(11).

            7. Naser Valizadeh, Samira Esfandiyari Bayat, Masoud Bijani, Dariush Hayati, Ants-Hannes Viira, Vjekoslav Tanaskovik, Alishir Kurban and Hossein Azadi (2021). "Understanding Farmers' Intention towards the Management and Conservation of Wetlands." Land 10(8).

            8. Jiabin Peng, Tie Liu, Yue Huang, Yunan Ling, Zhengyang Li, Anming Bao, Xi Chen, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2021). "Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using Gauge Observation and Hydrological Modeling in a Typical Arid Land Watershed of Central Asia." Remote Sensing 13(2).

            9. Jiangyue Li, Xi Chen, Alishir Kurban, Tim Van de Voorde, Philippe De Maeyer and Chi Zhang (2021). "Coupled SSPs-RCPs scenarios to project the future dynamic variations of water-soil-carbon-biodiversity services in Central Asia." Ecological Indicators 129.

            10. Huili He, Geping Luo, Peng Cai, Rafiq Hamdi, Piet Termonia, Philippe De Maeyer, Alishir Kurban and Jianjun Li (2021). "Assessment of Climate Change in Central Asia from 1980 to 2100 Using the Koppen-Geiger Climate Classification." Atmosphere 12(1).

            11. Samane Ghazali, Hossein Azadi, Kristina Janeckova, Petr Sklenicka, Alishir Kurban and Sedef Cakir (2021). "Indigenous knowledge about climate change and sustainability of nomadic livelihoods: understanding adaptability coping strategies." Environment Development and Sustainability.

            12. Leila Ardestani, Shahla Choobchian, Hassan Sadighi, Hossein Azadi, Ants-Hannes Viira, Vjekoslav Tanaskovik and Alishir Kurban (2021). "Investigating Subjective and Objective Quality of Life in Rural Areas: the Case of Tehran Province in Iran." Applied Research in Quality of Life.

            13. Jiabin Peng, Tie Liu, Yue Huang, Yunan Ling, Zhengyang Li, Anming Bao, Xi Chen, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2021). "Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using Gauge Observation and Hydrological Modeling in a Typical Arid Land Watershed of Central Asia." Remote Sensing 13(2).

            14. Huili He, Geping Luo, Peng Cai, Rafiq Hamdi, Piet Termonia, Philippe De Maeyer, Alishir Kurban and Jianjun Li (2021). "Assessment of Climate Change in Central Asia from 1980 to 2100 Using the Koppen-Geiger Climate Classification." Atmosphere 12(1).

            15. Sophie Barbaix,Alishir Kurban* Philippe De Maeyer, Xi Chen and Jean Bourgeois. (2020). “The use of historical sources in a multi?layered methodology for karez research in Turpan, China”. Water History 12:281–297

            16. Xiuliang Yuan, Friday Uchenna Ochege, Philippe De Maeyer and Alishir Kurban (2020). "Partitioning Global Surface Energy and Their Controlling Factors Based on Machine Learning." Remote Sensing 12(22).

            17. Tao Yang, Qian Li, Xi Chen, Rafiq Hamdi, Philippe De Maeyer, Alishir Kurban and Lanhai Li (2020). "Improving snow simulation with more realistic vegetation parameters in a regional climate model in the Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia." Journal of Hydrology 590.

            18. Xiuliang Yuan, Jie Bai, Longhui Li, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2019). "Modeling the effects of drip irrigation under plastic mulch on vapor and energy fluxes in oasis agroecosystems, Xinjiang, China." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 265: 435-442.

            19. Tao Pan, Guoming Du, Jinwei Dong, Wenhui Kuang, Philippe De Maeyer and Alishir Kurban (2019). "Divergent changes in cropping patterns and their effects on grain production under different agro-ecosystems over high latitudes in China." Science of the Total Environment 659: 314-325.

            20. Valentine Mukanyandwi, Alishir Kurban*, Egide Hakorimana, Lamek Nahayo, Gabriel Habiyaremye, Aboubakar Gasirabo and Theoneste Sindikubwabo (2019). "Seasonal assessment of drinking water sources in Rwanda using GIS, contamination degree (Cd), and metal index (MI)." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191(12).

            21. Liangliang Jiang, Guli Jiapaer, Anming Bao, Alishir Kurban, Hao Guo, Guoxiong Zheng and Philippe De Maeyer (2019). "Monitoring the long-term desertification process and assessing the relative roles of its drivers in Central Asia." Ecological Indicators 104: 195-208.

            22. Liangliang Jiang, Anming Bao, Guli Jiapaer, Hao Guo, Guoxiong Zheng, Khusen Gafforov, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2019). "Monitoring land sensitivity to desertification in Central Asia: Convergence or divergence?" Science of the Total Environment 658: 669-683.

            23. Umut Halik, Tayierjiang Aishan, Florian Betz, Alishir Kurban and Aihemaitijiang Rouzi (2019). "Effectiveness and challenges of ecological engineering for desert riparian forest restoration along China's largest inland river." Ecological Engineering 127: 11-22.

            24. Liangzhong Cao, Xi Chen, Chi Zhang, Alishir Kurban, Jin Qian, Tao Pan, Zuozhong Yin, Xiugong Qin, Friday Uchenna Ochege and Philippe De Maeyer (2019). "The Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospheric CO2 Concentration and Analysis of the Controlling Factors." Remote Sensing 11(1).

            25. Tao Pan, Chi Zhang, Wenhui Kuang, Philippe De Maeyer, Alishir Kurban, Rafiq Hamdi and Guoming Du (2018). "Time Tracking of Different Cropping Patterns Using Landsat Images under Different Agricultural Systems during 1990-2050 in Cold China." Remote Sensing 10(12).

            26. Min Luo, Tie Liu, Amaury Frankl, Yongchao Duan, Fanhao Meng, Anming Bao, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2018). "Defining spatiotemporal characteristics of climate change trends from downscaled GCMs ensembles: how climate change reacts in Xinjiang, China." International Journal of Climatology 38(5): 2538-2553.

            27. Hao Guo, Anming Bao, Tie Liu, Guli Jiapaer, Felix Ndayisaba, Liangliang Jiang, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2018). "Spatial and temporal characteristics of droughts in Central Asia during 1966-2015." Science of the Total Environment 624: 1523-1538.

            28. Yongchao Duan, Tie Liu, Fanhao Meng, Min Luo, Amaury Frankl, Philippe De Maeyer, Anming Bao, Alishir Kurban and Xianwei Feng (2018). "Inclusion of Modified Snow Melting and Flood Processes in the SWAT Model." Water 10(12).

            29. Miao Zhang, Mingguo Ma, Philippe De Maeyer and Alishir Kurban (2017). "Uncertainties in Classification System Conversion and an Analysis of Inconsistencies in Global Land Cover Products." Isprs International Journal of Geo-Information 6(4).

            30. Miao Zhang, Geping Luo, Rafiq Hamdi, Yuan Qiu, Xinxin Wang, Philippe De Maeyer and Alishir Kurban (2017). "Numerical Simulations of the Impacts of Mountain on Oasis Effects in Arid Central Asia." Atmosphere 8(11).

            31. Miao Zhang, Geping Luo, Philippe De Maeyer, Peng Cai and Alishir Kurban (2017). "Improved Atmospheric Modelling of the Oasis-Desert System in Central Asia Using WRF with Actual Satellite Products." Remote Sensing 9(12).

            32. Xiuliang Yuan, Wenfeng Wang, Junjie Cui, Fanhao Meng, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2017). "Vegetation changes and land surface feedbacks drive shifts in local temperatures over Central Asia." Scientific Reports 7.

            33. Xiuliang Yuan, Jie Bai, Longhui Li, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2017). "The dominant role of climate change in determining changes in evapotranspiration in Xinjiang, China from 2001 to 2012." Plos One 12(8).

            34. Min Luo, Fanhao Meng, Tie Liu, Yongchao Duan, Amaury Frankl, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2017). "Multi-Model Ensemble Approaches to Assessment of Effects of Local Climate Change on Water Resources of the Hotan River Basin in Xinjiang, China." Water 9(8).

            35. Maierdang Keyimu, Uemuet Halik and Alishir Kurban (2017). "Estimation of water consumption of riparian forest in the lower reaches of Tarim River, northwest China." Environmental Earth Sciences 76(16).

            36. Hao Guo, Anming Bao, Felix Ndayisaba, Tie Liu, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2017). "Systematical Evaluation of Satellite Precipitation Estimates Over Central Asia Using an Improved Error-Component Procedure." Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 122(20): 10906-10927.

            37. Hao Guo, Anming Bao, Tie Liu, Felix Ndayisaba, Daming He, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer (2017). "Meteorological Drought Analysis in the Lower Mekong Basin Using Satellite-Based Long-Term CHIRPS Product." Sustainability 9(6).

            38. Zhaodong Feng, Aizhi Sun, Nurbayev Abdusalih, Min Ran, Alishir Kurban, Bo Lan, Dongliang Zhang and Yunpeng Yang (2017). "Vegetation changes and associated climatic changes in the southern Altai Mountains within China during the Holocene." Holocene 27(5): 683-693.

            39. Liangzhong Cao, Xi Chen, Chi Zhang, Alishir Kurban, Xiuliang Yuan, Tao Pan and Philippe de Maeyer (2017). "The Temporal and Spatial Distributions of the Near-Surface CO2 Concentrations in Central Asia and Analysis of Their Controlling Factors." Atmosphere 8(5).

            40. Jiao Liu, Tie Liu, Anming Bao, Philippe De Maeyer, Alishir Kurban and Xi Chen (2016). "Response of Hydrological Processes to Input Data in High Alpine Catchment: An Assessment of the Yarkant River basin in China." Water 8(5).

            41. Guilin Liu, Gang Yin, Alishir Kurban*, Tayierjiang Aishan and Hailin You (2016). "Spatiotemporal dynamics of land cover and their impacts on potential dust source regions in the Tarim Basin, NW China." Environmental Earth Sciences 75(23).

            42. Abdimijit Ablekim, Alimujiang Kasimu, Alishir Kurban and Manzira Tursun (2016). "Evolution of small lakes in lower reaches of Tarim River based on multi-source spatial data." Geographical Research 35(11): 2071-2090.

            43. Tayierjiang Aishan, Uemuet Halik, Alishir Kurban, Bernd Cyffka, Martin Kuba, Florian Betz and Maierdang Keyimu (2015). "Eco-morphological response of floodplain forests (Populus euphratica Oliv.) to water diversion in the lower Tarim River, northwest China." Environmental Earth Sciences 73(2): 533-545.

            44. Guilin Liu, Alishir Kurban, Huanming Duan, Umut Halik, Abdimijit Ablekim and Luocheng Zhang (2014). "Desert riparian forest colonization in the lower reaches of Tarim River based on remote sensing analysis." Environmental Earth Sciences 71(10): 4579-4589.

            45. Philipp Gaertner, Michael Foerster, Alishir Kurban and Birgit Kleinschmit (2014). "Object based change detection of Central Asian Tugai vegetation with very high spatial resolution satellite imagery." International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 31: 110-121.

            46. Abdimijit Ablekim, Alimujiang Kasimu, Alishir Kurban, Tashkin Jappar and Zili Fan (2014). "Monitoring the water area changes in Tetima-Kanglayka lakes region over the past four decades by remotely sensed data." Journal of Lake Sciences 26(1): 46-54.

            47. Azamat Osmonov, Tobias Bolch, Chen Xi, Alishir Kurban and Wanqing Guo (2013). "Glacier characteristics and changes in the Sary-Jaz River Basin (Central Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan)-1990-2010." Remote Sensing Letters 4(8): 725-734.

            48. Abduwali Mahpula, DeGang Yang, Alishir Kurban and Frank Witlox (2013). "An overview of 20 years of Chinese logistics research using a content-based analysis." Journal of Transport Geography 31: 30-34.

            49. Zili Fan, Hailiang Xu, Jinyi Fu, Alishir Kurban, Qingqing Zhang and Wumaierjiang Wubuli (2013). "Ecological Protection Objects and Restoration Measures in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River." Journal of Desert Research 33(4): 1191-1197.

            50. Maryamgul Abdurahman, Alishir Kurban, Umut Halik, Abdimijit Ablekim and Hanming Duan (2013). "Study on Phenological Characters of Populus euphratica Oliv. and its Relation with the Tree Diameter." Vegetos 26(2): 88-92.

            51. Ting Niu, Kurban Alishir, Halik Umut, Gartner Philipp, Kleinschmit Birgit, Ablekim Abdimijit, Hemidul Suriyegul and Guilin Liu (2012). "Characteristics of Populus euphratica leaf water and chlorophyll contents in an arid area of Xinjiang,Northwest China." Chinese Journal of Ecology 31(6): 1353-1360.

            52. Shanshan Wang, Xi Chen, An-ming Bao, Alishir Kurban and Ieee (2009). The Impacts of Urban Landscape Pattern on Urban Land Surface Temperature - Taking Urumqi as an Example.

            53. Qiming Zhou, Baolin Li and Alishir Kurban (2008). "Spatial pattern analysis of land cover change trajectories in Tarim Basin, northwest China." International Journal of Remote Sensing 29(19): 5495-5509.


            中國知網(wǎng)(CNKI)檢索38篇(檢索日期202041日,檢索作者姓名:艾里西爾 庫爾班/艾里西爾/艾力西爾/阿里西爾 庫爾班)


            54. 高慶,艾里西爾 庫爾班,肖昊.塔里木河下游區域植被時(shí)空變化[J].自然資源學(xué)報,2019,34(03):624-632.

             55. 高慶,艾里西爾 庫爾班,肖昊.巴音布魯克地區植物物候時(shí)空動(dòng)態(tài)變化及其驅動(dòng)分析[J].干旱區研究,2018,35(06):1418-1426.

             56. 古麗夏提 哈力克,艾里西爾 庫爾班.吐魯番盆地坎兒井現狀及衰敗的影響因素分析[J].安徽農業(yè)科學(xué),2017,45(11):207-209+253.

             57. 阿布都米吉提 阿布力克木,阿里木江 卡斯木,艾里西爾 庫爾班,曼孜然 吐?tīng)栠d.基于多源空間數據的塔里木河下游湖泊變化研究[J].地理研究,2016,35(11):2071-2090.

             58. 牛婷,艾里西爾 庫爾班,阿布都米吉提 阿布利克木,Philipp Gartner,Birgit Kleinschmit,李海文,奧斯曼 艾力尼亞孜.胡楊葉片生理特性的適宜采樣量研究[J].安徽農業(yè)科學(xué),2016,44(17):9-11.

             59. 阿布都米吉提 阿布力克木,阿里木江 卡斯木,艾里西爾 庫爾班,曼孜然 吐?tīng)栠d.新疆車(chē)爾臣河流域水域的宏觀(guān)變化及其影響和驅動(dòng)因素[J].冰川凍土,2015,37(02):480-492.

             60. 阿布都米吉提 阿布力克木,阿里木江 卡斯木,艾里西爾 庫爾班,塔世根 加帕爾,樊自立.40年臺特瑪-康拉克湖泊群水域變化遙感監測[J].湖泊科學(xué),2014,26(01):46-54.

             61. 樊自立,徐海量,傅藎儀,艾里西爾 庫爾班,張青青,吾買(mǎi)爾江 吾布力.塔里木河下游生態(tài)保護目標和措施[J].中國沙漠,2013,33(04):1191-1197.

             62. 樊自立,徐海量,傅藎儀,艾里西爾 庫爾班,阿布都米吉提 阿布利克木.臺特瑪湖濕地保護研究[J].第四紀研究,2013,33(03):594-602.

             63. 段含明,艾里西爾 庫爾班,張燕,阿不都米吉提 阿布利克木.近百年來(lái)羅布泊最后干涸時(shí)間的評述[J].干旱區研究,2013,30(03):541-549.

             64. 艾爾肯 艾白不拉,劉桂林,艾里西爾 庫爾班,阿布都米吉提 阿布利克木.基于CBERS/CCD遙感影像的塔里木河下游生態(tài)輸水監測[J].長(cháng)江流域資源與環(huán)境,2012,21(S2):157-162.

             65. 買(mǎi)爾燕古麗 阿不都熱合曼,艾里西爾 庫爾班,玉米提 哈力克,阿布都米吉提 阿布利克木,段含明.胡楊雌、雄樹(shù)物候特征差異比較研究[J].干旱區資源與環(huán)境,2012,26(10):97-102.

             66. 劉桂林,艾里西爾 庫爾班,玉米提 哈力克,段含明,Philipp Gartner,Birgit Kleinschmit,阿布都米吉提 阿布利克木,牛婷.基于變化軌跡探測的植被景觀(guān)格局動(dòng)態(tài)分析——以塔里木河下游生態(tài)輸水區域為例[J].中國沙漠,2012,32(05):1472-1478.

             67. 牛婷,艾里西爾 庫爾班,玉米提 哈力克,Philipp Gartner,Birgit Kleinschmit,阿布都米吉提 阿布利克木,蘇熱亞古麗 艾米都力,劉桂林.干旱區胡楊葉片含水量和葉綠素含量特征[J].生態(tài)學(xué)雜志,2012,31(06):1353-1360.

             68. 王珊珊,陳曦,段含明,周可法,艾里西爾 庫爾班.城市地表溫度對土地利用/覆被變化響應的遙感研究——以烏魯木齊為例[J].中國沙漠,2012,32(03):878-884.

             69. 劉桂林,艾里西爾 庫爾班,艾爾肯 艾白不拉,段含明,玉米提 哈力克,阿布都米吉提 阿布利克木,牛婷.塔里木河下游生態(tài)輸水后植被景觀(guān)格局動(dòng)態(tài)變化研究[J].冰川凍土,2012,34(01):161-168.

             70. 玉米提 哈力克,塔依爾江 艾山,艾里西爾 庫爾班,Bernd Cyffka,Christian Opp.胡楊冠幅對塔里木河下游應急生態(tài)輸水的響應[J].東北林業(yè)大學(xué)學(xué)報,2011,39(09):82-84.

             71. 安尼瓦爾 阿布都熱依木,塔世根 加帕爾,艾里西爾 庫爾班,塔依爾 吾甫爾.考證新疆坎兒井起源的物證——柯?tīng)柤右梨偙P(pán)吉爾山巖畫(huà)[J].新疆師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版),2011,30(02):23-28.

             72. 阿斯卡爾江 司迪克,楚新正,艾里西爾 庫爾班,古力米熱 吐拉洪.塔里木河下游自然景觀(guān)生態(tài)系統敏感性區劃[J].安徽農業(yè)科學(xué),2010,38(27):15266-15269.

             73. 阿斯卡爾江 司迪克,楚新正,艾里西爾 庫爾班.新疆艾里克湖濱綠洲景觀(guān)空間格局動(dòng)態(tài)變化[J].湖泊科學(xué),2010,22(05):793-798.

             74. 阿斯卡爾江 司迪克,楚新正,艾里西爾 庫爾班,古力米熱 吐拉洪.塔里木河下游斑塊類(lèi)型動(dòng)態(tài)變化遙感監測[J].安徽農業(yè)科學(xué),2010,38(25):13916-13920+13944.

             75. 玉米提 哈力克,柴政,艾里西爾 庫爾班,Bernd Cyffka,任偉.胡楊部分生態(tài)指標對塔里木河下游應急輸水的響應[J].資源科學(xué),2009,31(08):1309-1314.

             76. 王珊珊,艾里西爾 庫爾班,郭宇宏,段含明.烏魯木齊地區氣溫變化和城市熱島效應分析[J].干旱區研究,2009,26(03):433-440.

             77. 樊自立,艾里西爾 庫爾班,徐海量,張青青,阿不都米吉提.塔里木河的變遷與羅布泊的演化[J].第四紀研究,2009,29(02):232-240.

             78. 樊自立,陳亞寧,李和平,馬英杰,艾里西爾 庫爾班,阿布都米吉提.中國西北干旱區生態(tài)地下水埋深適宜深度的確定[J].干旱區資源與環(huán)境,2008(02):1-5.

             79. 樊自立,艾里西爾,王亞俊,陳亞寧.新疆人工灌溉綠洲的形成和發(fā)展演變[J].干旱區研究,2006(03):410-418.

             80. 再努拉 熱和木都拉,陳亞寧,艾里西爾 庫爾班,李衛紅,袁素芬.準噶爾盆地梭梭群落地上生物量及季節變化研究——以克拉瑪依農業(yè)綜合開(kāi)發(fā)區為例[J].干旱區地理,2006(03):375-380.

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             82. 樊自立,夏訓誠,沈玉凌,艾里西爾 庫爾班,王讓會(huì ),李生宇,馬映軍,馬映軍.Utilization of water resources, ecological balance and land desertification in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang[J].Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences),2002(S1):102-108.

             83. 張百平,陳曉東,葉爾 道來(lái)提,巴特爾,李建新,李寶林,阿里西爾 庫爾班,姚永慧.中國西部山地發(fā)展的一般模式——以天山巴音布魯克地區為例[J].山地學(xué)報,2002(04):394-400.

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          • a) 2007年度,新疆維吾爾自治區科學(xué)技術(shù)進(jìn)步獎,二等獎, 排名5。




            主要完成人:夏訓誠、王富葆、趙元杰、雷加強、艾里西爾 庫爾班、穆桂金、徐新文、趙景峰、黃文房。


            b) 2008年度,新疆維吾爾自治區科學(xué)技術(shù)進(jìn)步獎,二等獎,排名第5



            主要完成人:托乎提 艾合買(mǎi)提、吾買(mǎi)爾江 吾布力、徐海量、玉米提 哈力克、艾里西爾 庫爾班、周海鷹、艾爾肯 艾拜布拉、買(mǎi)合木提 巴拉提、葉茂


            c) 2008年度,新疆維吾爾自治區科學(xué)技術(shù)進(jìn)步獎,二等獎,排名第3



            主要完成人:阿吉艾克拜爾 艾薩、信學(xué)雷、艾里西爾 庫爾班、廖立新、阿不力米提 伊力、呂俏瑩、周俊林、仲婕、巴杭

            d) 2008年度,新疆水利科學(xué)技術(shù)獎,一等獎,不排名。

            頒獎機構新疆維吾爾自治區水利學(xué)會(huì )



            主要完成人:托乎提 艾合買(mǎi)提、吾買(mǎi)爾江 吾布力、徐海量、玉米提 哈力克、艾里西爾 庫爾班、周海鷹、艾爾肯 艾拜布拉、買(mǎi)合木提 巴拉提、葉茂

            e) 2015年度,新疆維吾爾自治區科學(xué)技術(shù)進(jìn)步獎,三等獎,排名第2

            頒獎機構新疆維吾爾自治區水利學(xué)會(huì )


            主要完成人:吾買(mǎi)爾江 吾布力、艾里西爾 庫爾班、徐海量、玉米提 哈力克、周海鷹、艾爾肯 艾拜布拉、買(mǎi)合木提 巴拉提、葉茂


            f) 2016,33屆國際地理大會(huì )個(gè)人突出貢獻獎,突出貢獻獎,個(gè)人

            頒獎機構:中國地理學(xué)會(huì )/33屆國際地理大會(huì )組委會(huì )